Sunday, December 14, 2014

TKAM Found Poetry


I was being a girl.
People hated them.

Shut your trap.
Go home.
You're gettin' more like a girl everyday...
People hated them.

Hold your head high.
I thought of running away...
Pink cotton penitentiary walls closing in on me,
Girls always imagined things.
People hated them.

Southern womanhood...
Frail ladies.
Heavily powdered,
Cutex Natural,
Just lovely...
People hated them.

Be a lady.
You're gettin' more like a girl everyday.
Be a lady.
Born hypocrites.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Throughout the book we see that Scout believes that she does not have to act like a "proper lady" if she does not want to. However, lady-like habits are pushed on her by the people around her like Aunt Alexandra and neighbors. Along with women encouraging feminine behavior in Scout, she also has men in her life discouraging the feminine behavior. I wanted my poem to show just what kind of situation she's in with her beliefs. On one hand, men, the gender she feels most comfortable with, sometimes ridicule girls for acting like girls. On the other hand, a behavior she does not like (feminine) and will cause men to dislike her is being pushed on her. It's expected of her-- by women and by men who will eventually ridicule her if she does act like a girl.


  3. ╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)═╝

  4. ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) jiminy crickets! what a dandy blog!

  5. Isabella,
    Your poem is by far my favorite of the ones I've read! I love how you show the conflicting views of how a girl should or should not act like a proper lady! The repetition of "People hated them" is very strong and adds so much depth to your poem, but my favorite part is at the end when you put "Born Hypocrites". It's very true, as in the book, we constantly see people telling Scout (who your poem is based on in a way) to act a certain way; be a lady, don't act like one, be a kid, be polite, act normal! What do you want? I think your poem captures that perfectly and I absolutely love it!
