Tuesday, February 24, 2015

AoW Impressions for 2/20

     I think it's safe to say that I learned more about events going on in today's world than I did the first time we tried this out. Whether it's because we've become more efficient at doing this or because more things have happened in the world, it was a pretty interesting class period. A lot of the articles were about the sort of feud between ISIS and Egypt. Egypt bombed Libya's ISIS and killed 40-50 people. In return, ISIS beheaded 21 Egyptian Christians and has threatened even more countries. However, 63 countries have agreed to fight ISIS if necessary. On the downside, people from a known 90 countries are traveling to ISIS locations to join their ranks.

     One of the articles I found particularly interesting was the one from Jenna. Her article talked about a Russian father who sent his son away to live with a relative in hopes of ridding him of his homosexuality. The relative attempted to actually have him exorcised by a witch -- which didn't work. Afterwards, the father had the son admitted into a rehab facility where he was drugged to the point where he could no longer remember the names of his friends. Thankfully, the boy was rescued (in a kidnapping manner but whatever) and is safe. This is an important article or topic for the world to hear because it shows what people will do towards those they discriminate against. In the case of this Russian boy, it's important to note that he was lucky. In a country where gays are being hunted and killed or tortured, he really was lucky to have been rescued instead of facing the same fate.

1 comment:

  1. Where is your AoW Impressions blog post for 1-30? I found Jenna's article interesting as well. I hadn't heard about this topic until she informed me about it.
